03 February 2024

Touchstone Trilogy - French Edition

Cover of French Edition of Stray
Some news for the Touchstone fans. The wonderful Justine of Seraminda Editions has faced down the truly daunting task of translating Cass' Aussie ramblings into French!  And Stray is only a handful of days away from release!

You can hear/ask more about the translation process and release at Justine's Insta, or even pre-order the Kindle edition at Amazon FR.

This is my first translated volume to make it to the shelves, and I'm tickled at the existence of a book I wrote, that I can't read.  

[French is actually one of the languages where I can get the gist of quite a few of the sentences, but not necessarily end up understanding what's going on.]

Anyway, thank you Justine for all the amazing work that has gone into this translation!

Three Skips

I started accruing my book collection in my late teens.  Not too many early on, since I moved house a lot.  A couple of shelves of books.  T...